Rachel Yangwa is a Nursing Officer at Rwamishenye Health Centre in Bukoba MC, and the Public Private Partnership Coordinator at District level.

When Rachel first joined our fourth cohort of leaders in 2017, she had quiet ambitions to further her career within the health care system in Tanzania but lacked the confidence to pursue them. Her leadership goal for the program was to improve her communication and presentation skills so that she could articulate the ideas she had to improve health care at her facility to her colleagues and her superiors. During the week-long leadership training, which focuses on leadership development in the context of piloting innovation ideas to improve cervical cancer outcomes, Rachel’s confidence exponentially grew.

On the final day of the week, Rachel was tasked with presenting her team’s innovation idea to District Health Officers, NGO staff, Regional Health Team officials and representatives from the Ministry of Health - a daunting challenge! Rachel’s idea of integrating cervical cancer screening into existing HIV testing services, combined with her confidence as the team’s Presentation Lead, encouraged her District Health Officer to approach her after the program and offer her an important position within his team as the District Public Private Partnership Coordinator.

As Rachel says in the below video, “NJIA helped my dreams come true”. Following her participation in the latest NJIA cohort in November 2018, we cannot wait to see what is next for Rachel!

